2 VIP Class Notes (Lily)


nat net nit not nut
pack peck pick pock puck
back beck bick bock buck


1.tik tok= 抖音
ex: He’s always on tik tok.

2. shrimp= 虾
ex: You shouldn’t eat shrimps when you are sick.

3. crab= 蟹
ex: she takes 2 hours to eat crabs.

4. depreciation (noun) =折旧
depreciate (verb)= 折扣
ex: The knives will not depreciate.

5. postpone= 延迟
ex: we postponed the trip because of coronavirus.

6. bestie (noun)= 闺蜜
ex: I hate her bestie because she’s a gold digger.

7. gold digger= 拜金女
ex: she’s a gold digger, she only dates rich men.

8. record (verb)= 录音
recording (noun)= 录音
ex: I record the conversations.
ex: I still keep the recordings.

9. risky (adj)= 高风险的
ex: it’s very risky, but it’s worth it.