2 VIP Class Notes (Lily)


bat bet bit
nat net nit
hat het hit
ban ben bin
pan pen pin
pack peck pick



1. make an appointment =预约(人)
ex: I need to make an appointment with the doctor/ dentist.

2. make a reservation= 预定(房间/事情)
ex: I made a reservation under Bion/ Mr.Guo.
ex: Can I make a reservation tonight at 6 for 4 (people)?
ex: I have a reservation under Guo.

3. OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder)= 强迫症
ex: Bion has OCD.

4. nag (verb)= 叨叨絮絮
ex: will you nag her?
ex: I don’t like it when my mom nags me to clean my room.

5. storage (noun)= 收纳
ex: you need lots of storage spaces.

6. make your bed= 铺被子
ex: I make my bed every morning.

7. clog (verb)= 堵塞
ex: my sink 水池 is clogged.

8. comfy (verb)= 舒适的
ex: My bed is very comfy.
ex: You can buy a comfy apartment.