VIP Class Notes (Kyle) [S]


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.


Encounter = a meeting between two or more individuals / nouns….

eg. Tony had an encounter with a robin in the Forest. (Tony and Robin met in the Forest)… Robin could be a person or a small bird. 

Anxiety is a feeling of unease, such as worry or fear, that can be mild or severe. Everyone has feelings of anxiety at some point in their life – for example, you may feel worried and anxious about sitting an exam, or having a medical test or job interview.

to achieve/reach/realize their goals=

to cause anxiety  –> What are the most common causes of anxiety? Work. Family. Professional Stress. Stress from Relationships.

to relief stress: to work through the problems in the mind and body

to have a fixed schedule: to live in a very time oriented manner. 

Dictation and Adding Detail to the Story

“For example, I get up at 6:30am everyday then I go to my hospital 7:30am, we will have a very short meeting and then we go to Rounds, then I have my lunch at 11:30am. At noon I have a 1 hour break everyday, sometimes I have lunch outside the hospital (I try to go to different restaurants, I want to find some delicious foods, so I test different places) then I come back before 1pm then I continue to work then I usually get off at 5pm (I usually come to Smart English at 6pm because I get off at 5)… Each month she gets a new schedule with specific duties… then I get a notice about meetings with other departments…

get up / get off = these both have multiple meanings


*Tongue Twister: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck would? 

Our last goal for class is to create more FLOW in your speaking and pronunciation.

Speaking exercise

It very common  because  for the young professional Chinese generation to have anxiety disorders.

“I think most patients get anxious because they are focused on something for a long time… like workaholics!” Great use of previous vocabulary! 

Anxiety is to describe the entire sickness/disease. And Anxious is to describe the pe0ple.

Kyle asks: What is a common method for reducing one’s anxiety? 

Mindful Meditation 注æ„冥想

Jessica asks: “Do you like Yoga? Some people like yoga and meditation.”