1.5 VIP Class Notes (Nick) [S]


Read the story from page 5 of English Made Easy Ages 6-7 from Winnie the Pooh and answer the questions.

Then, write a story about what happened when Winnie the Pooh climbed the tree. What happens next, after the end of the story?


Act something out – to pretend to be some characters in a story
e.g. With her teacher in London, Sophie acted out new endings to the stories they watched.

Hair – what humans have
e.g. Some people have hair on their arms as well as on their heads.
Fur – what animals have
e.g. Cats have a lot of very soft fur.

Blue cheese – a stinky type of cheese
e.g. Sophie almost ate some blue cheese in London, but luckily her Mom stopped her.

Screen – the part of the computer where you see the internet and read
Keyboard – where the letters are so that you can type words

有 – there is/are vs. have
— Have is something you can use
— There is something you can see

Lifting – when something is on the ground and you take it from the ground into the air

Approve – when you say that something is good enough 批准

Collective nouns: what is group of something called?
Herd – a group of cows
Swarm – a group of bees
Flock – a group of birds
Colony – a group of bugs (or bats)
School – a group of fish
Fleet – lots of ships
Pride – a group of lions
Pack – a group of wolves
Crowd – a lot of people

Bat – like a stick 棒; like a flying mouse 蝙蝠

Image result for wooden baseball batImage result for bat

Nocturnal – an animal that only comes out at night; an animal that doesn’t work during the day
Diurnal – an animal that is awake during the day and sleeps at night

Ant – a small insect that lives in large groups called colonies; when they travel, they are sometimes called an army
Aunt – your parents’ sister 阿姨, 姑姑, 伯母, etc.
One ant and an army of ants!

Image result for antImage result for ant army

Army – 军

Bottom – the part of something closest to the ground
Down – where you go, 下
Under – closer to the ground than something else, 下面
1. To ride my bike I have to go downstairs
2. The bottom of the ship is underwater
3. I went down the street.
4. Sophie was playing under the table.


He let me to write the new ending – he asked me / made me write a new ending

You can wear it in the sunny – you can wear them when it is sunny

If we have eight big trees, and between every two big trees there is one small tree, how many small trees do we have? We have seven small trees.

If we have ten big apples, and every big apple has one small apple on the right side, how many small apples do we have?

Speaking exercise

I go to the London zoo. I see some giraffes. Snakes. I see big snake and long. Sometimes I see black and white it can climb straight up, and it can climb on his body. It put its tail on the ground and climb to the tail. It has orange snakes and we just see its tail. We just see its tail on the right window. I can’t see the snake in the right window. I go to the front I see the head.

I went to the London zoo. I saw some giraffes. Snakes. I see saw a big snake and it was long. I also saw a black and white snake. It can climb straight up, and it can climb on its own body. It put its tail on the ground and climbed to the tail. There were orange snakes and we could only see its tail. We just saw its tail in the right window. I couldn’t see the snake in the right window. I went to the front and I saw its head.